Front of card:
To a Special Granddaughter
Happy Birthday 1 Today
Wishing you a Happy Birthday
Now that you are ONE!
Message inside:
It's hard to believe since you've arrived
one whole year has passed.
It only seems like yesterday
but now your Birthday's here at last.
So hip hip hooray! Now that it's here
we should really celebrate.
Have a very Happy Birthday
it's a very special day
Size of card: 160x230mm approx.
Range: Contemporary
Publisher: Ling Design
To a Special Granddaughter
Happy Birthday 1 Today
Wishing you a Happy Birthday
Now that you are ONE!
Message inside:
It's hard to believe since you've arrived
one whole year has passed.
It only seems like yesterday
but now your Birthday's here at last.
So hip hip hooray! Now that it's here
we should really celebrate.
Have a very Happy Birthday
it's a very special day
Size of card: 160x230mm approx.
Range: Contemporary
Publisher: Ling Design